Frequently Asked Questions About Our Services
How do I book a load of water?Book online from our homepage or call us on 0800 938 299
Do I need to be home when you deliver?No, we can deliver with no one home, unless there isn’t access to the tank or a gate needs to be unlocked.
What if I have a dog?Please have your dog put away or restrained when we deliver. From a dog’s perspective, there is a strange person in their territory rolling large hoses and making a lot of noise and this can be scary for them. Even the gentlest of dogs can get frightened and do something they regret later!
What time will my delivery arrive?Our schedules can vary over the course of the day due to many operating circumstances, so we are unable to predict a delivery time during the busy period. We will try though to accommodate necessary timeslots if possible.
Do you do WINZ quotes?Yes we do, we are a registered Work & Income provider.
How do I pay?Payment is due prior to delivery. You can pay online at time of booking by credit card/debit card or POLi bank to bank payment system. Alternatively, you can pay by internet banking into our account: 12-3233-0734447-00 and quote your address. (NB: Any outstanding invoices that remain unpaid after the due date, may incur late payment fees.)
Do you take credit card/EFTPOS on delivery?No, sorry we don’t have that facility available on board, but our drivers can accept cash or cheque at the time of delivery.
How early do I have to book/how long is the wait?During the off-peak season we are generally able to deliver within a day or so. At peak times, booking lead times can vary significantly, so to be safe, it is best to book when your tank gets down to a third full.
What about cancellation fees?When you book and pay online you have the ability to manage your own booking and there is no additional costs to reschedule your delivery date if and when needed. If you do not end up using your booking by the end of the season and wish to cancel it, you can request a refund and this will be processed and refunded within 48 hrs (refer to our Cancellation & Refund Policy). If you prefer, you may also choose to transfer the unused booking to a credit on your account for future use.
What happens if you turn up and I have forgotten to cancel?You will be charged an $85.00 Callout Fee if we arrive and cannot deliver the water.
Unpaid invoicesShould an invoice issued by Wet Azz Ltd remain unpaid, the following process follows: - Reminder email issued on Day 7 - Final notice email issued on Day 14 - Reminder text sent to mobile - Late Payment Fee ($20) added after 30 days non-payment - Text sent advising invoice will be forwarded for debt collection NOTE: Customers are liable to pay for any costs incurred in the collection of these debts
Do I need to provide a ladder or tools to open tank?Yes, if your tank lid needs certain tools to open, please have them available for us. We do carry ladders on our trucks so not necessary to provide one, but it’s always helpful if there is one already there.
What if I have completely run out of water?Call us immediately on 0800 938 299 and we will put you on our priority runout list. Please note - during the peak season, we may only be able to provide this emergency service to the customers who are already booked with us.
What size do you think my tank is?The average household tank in old Beachlands/Maraetai is around 20,000 – 25,000 Ltrs. In the new build areas, new concrete tanks are 22,000 – 25,000 Ltrs each. To get a rough gauge of tank capacity: From top of the tank measure width x length (if round tank just width x width) x height of tank = approx. literage.
Can I drink the water straight after a delivery?If the tank has not had a recent clean, we recommend 4-5 hrs to let water settle before turning taps on. This is due to the sediment on the bottom getting disturbed when water is introduced into the tank. Otherwise you run the risk of your filters clogging up. It's best to decant some water prior to our arrival so you have some on hand while you wait for the water to settle.
Is the water chlorinated?Yes, both Taumata Arowai approved water sources we draw from are chlorinated.
When does my tank need a clean?If water has an odour, is not clear or is tasting bad.
When is the best time to get my tank cleaned?If a full tank clean is needed, having the tank as empty as possible is preferable. If the tank just needs a vacuum, over ¼ of a tank of water is preferable. We recommend you call local tank cleaner, Lance Gedge for a quote (see below for details).
How often should I change my water filters?We recommend every six months.
Can I split my delivery between households?No we don't split deliveries between households. Our deliveries are for one household only. Additional hose rolls to top up swimming pools more than 3 metres away may incur additional labour charges.
Do you have another question?
Our top tips for
saving water
Turn off the shower while soaping and shampooing up and also when shaving your legs
Set a timer for five minutes when showering
Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth
With young children, put post-it notes around the bathroom with little reminders on water conservation (this can be done with visitors too)
Place a bag of marbles in toilet cistern to reduce refilling capacity
Consider the old adage, “if it’s yellow let it mellow, if it's brown, let it down”
Wait until there is a full load of laundry to wash or use the local laundromat (top loaders average 200 ltrs per wash)
When purchasing a new washing machine, consider a front loader - they are more water efficient than top loaders
Dishwashers are more economical than sink washing
If you hear the water pump keep kicking in, check for any leaks or dripping taps
Don’t leave the garden hose switched on at the house tap – a common cause of water runouts is the garden sprayer unit malfunctioning
When going away on holiday, turn your water pump off
A useful link is Watercare's top tips:
Does your tank need a clean?
We recommend Lance!